Supplier Resources & Policies

Welcome to our Supplier Resources & Policies page. Here, you will find essential documents and guidelines that govern our partnership. These resources are designed to ensure a transparent, ethical, and mutually beneficial relationship. We encourage you to review these documents carefully and reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your commitment to upholding the highest standards in our collaboration.

1. Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

2. Supplier Quality Agreement

3. Non Disclosure Agreement

4. Modern Slavery Statement

5. Whistleblowing Policy

6. Corporate Social Responsibility

1. Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

As part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with USA laws, MIP USA Inc. is pleased to provide our Purchase Order General Terms & Conditions. This comprehensive document outlines the policies, procedures, and legal requirements that govern all purchase orders issued by MIP USA Inc. It serves as a crucial reference for ensuring mutual understanding and adherence to our contractual obligations.

MIP INC. - Purchase Order General Terms & Conditions

These terms cover various aspects, including order acceptance, delivery schedules, payment terms, warranty provisions, and dispute resolution mechanisms. We believe that clear and accessible terms and conditions help foster strong and cooperative relationships with our suppliers and partners.

For detailed information, we invite you to review the full document available through above PDF link. We encourage all suppliers and partners to thoroughly read and understand these terms to ensure a seamless and productive collaboration with MIP USA Inc.

2. Supplier Quality Agreement

3. Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement

Full NDA Agreement PDF can be found here

At MIP Inc, we prioritize confidentiality and the secure handling of information. As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and protection, we require all our suppliers and partners to adhere to the stipulations outlined in our Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). This document is crucial for ensuring that all sensitive information shared in the course of our collaborations remains strictly confidential.

Please review and agree to the terms of the NDA available at the link above before proceeding with any further discussions or exchanges.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in safeguarding our mutual interests.

4. Modern Slavery Statement

Full PDF Statement can be read here

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that the MIP Inc. Group of companies (“MIP”) has taken and will continue to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not take place within its business or supply chain.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. MIP has a zero- tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. As outlined below, MIP publishes a ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Statement’ (“CSR Statement”) which is approved at board level. MIP makes every effort to run its business in accordance with the CSR Statement. It emphasises MIP’s commitment to act ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings. It also clearly compels the business to ensure that its suppliers also meet ethical standards. MIP is continually evaluating its systems and controls to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or its supply chain. A copy of MIP’s CSR Statement is available here.

This Modern Slavery Statement outlines MIP’s approach to meeting the challenges of Modern Slavery head-on. This Policy is administered by the Company’s Human Resources Department, Supply Chain Department and its Chief Executive Officer. If you have any questions on this policy or its operation, please do not hesitate to let us know. Please contact us at the email address .

MIP’s business

MIP Inc is a Canadian company founded in 1977. In September 2013, MIP's ownership group expanded with an investment from Banyan Capital Partners. Today, MIP is owned by Senior Management in partnership with Banyan. In 2016, MIP acquired the UK based company Cromptons Healthcare Ltd, thus expanding MIP’s UK presence and product portfolio. MIP has therefore evolved into a global leader in the reusable healthcare textile industry, providing a broad range of products and services to the healthcare industry in more than 27 countries around the world including Canada, North America and many European countries including UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy. MIP Customers include large and small laundries, distributors, hospitals and long-term care facilities. The Organisation has offices and some manufacturing operations in the following locations:

  • MIP Inc – Montreal, Canada (Head Office)
  • MIP Europe GMBH (MIPe) – Hamburg & Rossau, Germany (Office/Warehousing/Manufacturing)
  • Med-I-Pant UK Ltd. (MIP UK) – Leighton Buzzard, United Kingdom (Office/Warehousing)
  • MIP USA (Sales team)
  • Italy (Agency)

MIP also sources and procures products and services from 3rd Party Suppliers on a global basis, predominantly China, Europe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia and North America/Canada. Further detail on MIP’s approach to dealing with suppliers ethically is set out below.

High Risk Areas

As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility process, MIP undertakes a Risk Assessment to highlight specific areas of risk related to each Country, Industry and Culture within which we operate. This global mapping process is conducted on a continual basis. Where our internal Risk Assessments indicate a potential high level of risk, MIP will consider commissioning independent 3rd Party Audits to ensure compliance to International, National, and local Rules of Law

MIP Policies

MIP operate various internal policies to ensure that MIP is conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:

  1. Code of Business Conduct. This code explains the standards of behaviour MIP expects as an organisation and how MIP expects its employees and suppliers to act. This includes (but is not limited to) anti-harassment, bullying, equal opportunities and mutual respect. We currently share this Code of Conduct with suppliers when they commence working with MIP, to ensure that our conduct expectations and goals are clear at the outset of any new relationship.
  2. Recruitment policy. MIP operates a robust recruitment policy in all its Business Units, including conducting eligibility to work in the relevant location for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.
  3. Whistleblowing Policy. The Company's Board of Directors has established a procedure for the confidential submission of concerns regarding questionable activities or conduct. This Policy has been established to enable employees, officers and directors of MIP, as well as MIP's sales agents, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders to raise such concerns on a confidential basis, free from discrimination, retaliation or harassment, anonymously or otherwise. This Policy applies to all the Company's key stakeholders, including its employees, officers and directors as well as its suppliers and customers. Corporate Social Responsibility Statement. As outlined above, this document is freely available online and sets important expectations for the business around its openness and integrity. MIP operates a robust CSR process to ensure MIP upholds and promotes Human Rights, as given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the eight core Working Conditions standards of the International Labour Organization, and critical aspects of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI Base Code). This includes (but is not limited to) Child Labour, Forced Labour and Harassment and Abuse.

MIP Suppliers

MIP operates and maintains an approved supplier list. MIP conducts due diligence on all suppliers before allowing them to become an approved supplier. As noted above, this due diligence may include an independent 3rd Party Audit to ensure that an organisation complies to the legal requirements relating to modern slavery including a review of working conditions.

Furthermore, suppliers to MIP must complete a Supplier Declaration Form confirming they comply with National Rules of Law and various other Internationally recognised standards relating to Working Conditions, including the International Labour Organisation.

MIP performance indicators

MIP will know the effectiveness of the steps that MIP is taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place within its business or supply chain if:

  • No reports are received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified.
  • Where applicable, independent 3rd Party Audits do not highlight areas of risk, concern, or failure to comply with relevant standards and legislation.

Given these indicators, we are confident that MIP is currently effective in managing the risk that slavery and human trafficking is taking place in our business or supply chain, although this is, of course, a consideration that we will keep under continuous review


MIP's Board of Directors and Senior Managers are committed to making every reasonable and appropriate effort to ensure the continuous implementation and application of the principles and values defined in this document, to rectify any shortcomings as rapidly as possible and to keep it current by:

  • communicating our Modern Slavery Statement and its implementation to employees, business partners and other interested parties.
  • ensuring that all employees have read and understood this Modern Slavery Statement and have had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification.

Approval for this statement

This statement was revised and approved by the Board of Directors on December 15, 2022

5. Whistle Blowing Policy

MIP F8.4.13-E Rev 4

  1. Objective and Scope
  2. Whistleblower Incident
  3. Method of Reporting
  4. Confidentiality
  5. Further Information
  6. Non-Retaliation
  7. Receiving and Investigating Reports
  8. Retention of Reports; Review of this Policy

1. Objective and Scope

MIP Inc. and its subsidiaries (MIP or the Company) have a strong commitment to the conduct of their business in a lawful and ethical manner. MIP’s commitment to legal and ethical behavior is outlined in our Employee Guides and Corporate Social Responsibility Statement. We rely on our employees to conduct themselves accordingly and to avoid even the appearance of improper behavior. Obeying the law and our code of conduct, both in letter and in spirit is the foundation of our beliefs and critical to our business success

MIP is committed to maintaining a workplace in which the Company can receive, retain and address all complaints or concerns with respect to accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters, mismanagement, corruption, illegal conduct or any other activity that is inconsistent with the Company’s legal requirements or ethical standards. To achieve this goal, the Company’s Board of Directors has established a procedure for the confidential submission of concerns regarding questionable activities or conduct. This Policy has been established to enable employees, officers and directors of MIP, as well as MIP’s sales agents, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders to raise such concerns on a confidential basis, free from discrimination, retaliation or harassment, anonymously or otherwise. This Policy applies to all of the Company’s key stakeholders, including its employees, officers and directors as well as its sales agents, suppliers and customers.

2. Whistleblower Incident

A “whistleblower incident” is defined as a concern related to the Company’s accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters, mismanagement, corruption, illegal conduct or any other activity that is inconsistent with the Company’s legal requirements or ethical standards. A whistle blower incident includes both incidents that are directly witnessed by an individual and those which an individual becomes aware of in some other manner, such as through conversation.

For greater clarity, whistleblower incidents are intended to include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • inappropriate recognition of revenue or liabilities;
  • embezzlement of Company assets by an individual or group of individuals;
  • misrepresentation of financial information or non-financial information;
  • dishonest, fraudulent, corrupt, or illegal (including theft, drug sale/use, violence or threatened violence and criminal damage against property) behavior;
  • gross mismanagement, serious and substantial waste or repeated instances of breach of administrative procedures;
  • any breach of MIP’s Corporate Directional Plan, Employee Guides or Corporate Social Responsibility Statement; and
  • any attempt to conceal any whistleblower incident.
  • In some situations, it may be difficult to know whether a whistleblower incident has occurred and how to react. MIP encourages employees and others to ask any questions relating to these matters, keeping the following in mind.

  • try to obtain all relevant facts and be as informed as reasonably possible;
  • if you are not sure how to proceed, you are encouraged to ask a senior manager or the Human Resources Department for advice; and
  • if you have learned of potential illegal or unethical activities and have been asked to keep the information confidential, you should not handle it alone. You can speak with a senior manager using a “what if” scenario, giving enough of the facts to get advice without betraying the confidence.

  • 3. Method of Reporting

    It is the policy of the Company that an employee, officer, director or other stakeholder should immediately communicate the details of any whistleblower incident or suspected whistleblower incident to the Company in the manner provided in this Policy.

    This Policy is administered by the Chair of the Company’s Board of Directors, its Chief Executive Officer and the Company’s Human Resources Department, all of whom have been designated to receive submissions made under this Policy. Whistleblower incidents may be reported via email at, with “Whistle Blowing Incident” entered on the subject line.

    4. Confidentiality

    Any person reporting a whistleblower incident may choose to disclose his or her identity but is guaranteed anonymity in the event of self-identification. However, if a complainant fails to identify himself or herself in his or her complaint and the information provided is insufficient, the Company may not be able to adequately investigate and resolve the complaint.

    5. Further Information

    Further information may be required depending on the nature of the issue and the clarity of the information provided. Allegations made anonymously should contain sufficient detail and information so that, if necessary, a meaningful investigation can be conducted.

    6. Non-Retaliation

    No person who in good faith submits a report under this Policy shall suffer retaliation, harassment or an adverse employment consequence as result of such submission. Any act of retaliation should be reported immediately. An employee, officer or director who retaliates against a person who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.

    7. Receiving and Investigating Reports

    If contact information is provided, the Company’s Human Resources Department will acknowledge receipt of the submission. All reported whistleblower incidents will be taken seriously and will be investigated by the Company. Confidentiality of complaints will be maintained to the fullest extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an appropriate review. All reports will be dealt with in confidence, with only staff who need to know being informed. Prompt and appropriate corrective action will be taken when and as warranted.

    In light of the potential impact of an unjust claim, it is unacceptable to submit a frivolous, malicious or false complaint and appropriate measures will be taken to address any such action.

    8. Retention of Reports; Review of this Policy

    The Company’s Human Resources Department will retain records of any complaints or concerns submitted under this Policy, tracking their receipt, investigation, and resolution, for a period of at least three (3) years.

    A review of this Policy will be conducted on a periodic basis.

    * * * * *

    Should you have any questions or wish additional information regarding this Whistleblowing Policy, please contact:

    6. Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

    PDF Document can be read here

    MIP’s Vision: We will help the healthcare industry put people first with uncompromising efficiency, dignity, and quality of life.

    To achieve our vision, MIP Inc (MIP) and its wholly owned affiliates are committed to managing our business with integrity and openness, delivering optimum economic value within clearly defined business principles and practices that we follow in our day-to-day work and that guide our long-term direction. MIP makes every appropriate and reasonable effort to contribute to the wellbeing and sustainable development of the global community. These corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments are outlined in our Employee Guides and managed within our ISO Quality System Management Review Process.

    MIP Observes the Rule of Law:

    MIP upholds and promotes Human Rights, as given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1 and the eight core Working Conditions standards of the International Labor Organization.2 At a minimum, MIP ensures that its operations comply with applicable national legislation and local environmental standards in all countries in which it operates. Where national regulations are not of a satisfactory standard, MIP ensures that it meets the applicable minimum international legal standards. MIP ensures that independent audits of its facilities are conducted at least once every five years.

    Supply Chain Code of Ethics:

    MIP believes in doing business with reliable, loyal quality and innovative suppliers with whom we can build strong, honest, and mutually beneficial long-term relationships. In order to preserve this reputation and trust, MIP demands and maintains the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities.

    Our Suppliers play an important role in helping us meet our CSR commitments. We select suppliers that are recognized as ethical3 according to the norms of the industry and the country in which they are located. We require that, at a minimum, our suppliers adhere to their national rules of law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the standards of the International Labor Organization and local environmental standards.

    MIP employees are required to act legally at all times and appropriately when assessing suppliers. Incentives, gifts, and rewards cannot be accepted or offered under any circumstance, as described in the Employee Guides. We assess suppliers on their practices using a supplier evaluation process linking supplier performance to awarding future contracts.

    Adherence to these standards is ensured by our requirement that suppliers sign declarations confirming their compliance with our CSR policies, including the requirement that suppliers promptly advise MIP in the event that any question arises with respect to their or our compliance with our CSR policies. To facilitate this disclosure, MIP has adopted a Whistleblower Policy, which is available in our Employee Guides and on our website. Where required by MIP or its customers, suppliers will be subject to an audit performed by an independent, third-party auditor.

    Environment and Community:

    MIP is committed to operating in an environmentally friendly manner in all of its locations. MIP complies with applicable local environmental protection provisions and adopts strategies appropriate to its circumstances in order to achieve a satisfactory level of environmental protection.

    MIP acts to promote socially beneficial activities directly and by its employees in the communities in which we do business.

    Activities undertaken to reduce our environmental footprint and to support the communities in which we operate will be published and available to customers on a yearly basis beginning in 2016 as part of our annual ISO management review.

    Implementation, Responsibility and Monitoring:

    MIP’s Board of Directors and Senior Managers are committed to making every reasonable and appropriate effort to ensure the continuous implementation and application of the principles and values defined in this document, to rectify any shortcomings as rapidly as possible and to keep it current by:

    • assigning overall responsibility for implementation of our CSR process to MIP’s Executive Vice President, Operations.
    • communicating our CSR Policy and its implementation to employees, business partners and other interested parties.
    • ensuring that all employees have read and understood this CSR Policy and have had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification.
    • making this CSR Policy part of our Company’s Code of Conduct that all employees are required to sign to acknowledge their acceptance and understanding of its terms.
    • annually reviewing and evaluating this CSR Policy to ensure its effectiveness and continuing relevance, ensure that it reflects current regulatory requirements and governance practices applicable to a company such as MIP, and implement any amendments to this CSR Policy.
    • monitoring compliance with this CSR Policy, which includes monitoring both our own operations and those of our suppliers; and
    • ensuring that any violation of this CSR Policy is investigated, and appropriate actions are taken, based on MIP’s CSR management process, Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing Policy. In the event that MIP identifies a significant breach of applicable laws, its responses may include severing commercial relations with the offending party and alerting relevant authorities.


    MIP is always happy to discuss this CSR Policy with any interested person. In any such discussion, confidential information with respect to any third party will be handled with due care and confidentiality.

    1. (UDHR) ( aspx?LangID=eng): the UN Global Compacts 10 principles
    3. Ethical Considerations’ include, but not limited to: Animal Testing/Welfare; Fair trade; Labor conditions; Approach to business; Attitude towards local economy